Friday, September 18, 2009

Yucky Art

Oh man, look at me go with blogging lately.

A long time ago on a social networking site I'm on (not facebook!)I found this:
(Three Girls)

How amazing is that! But unfortunately it was just in a stranger's album with no title or artist. Usually I don't care, but for some reason I really fell in love with this work.

Lucky for me, while on Fecal Face, I stumbled upon an interview with Allison Schulnik.Can I say WOW?

There has never been a time when I can remember specifically being so floored by an artist. I mean, I like art, I like paintings, but all of her work - especially her heavily textured oils are awesome.

(Detail of hobo clown #2)

There is so much beautiful despair in her work. They are so heavy - but so colourful. Every painting seems to be literally screaming with emotion. I mean look at this guy:

(Monkey Head #2)

In the Interview, Ryan Christian says:

"The way you handle your materials is really interesting. To me there is always this perfect balance of yuck and beauty."


This one reminds me of Jean Poutine - a terrible, lonely creature that lures you in with his cuteness.
(Boochie [New Years Eve Painting])

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